Make Bread for a first time!

 500g flour Simple dough

This is simply the most simple and basic bread recipe based on a  special magic formula which is so easy and totally foolproof that can turn any ordinary person into bread magician 🙂

What do you need?

  • 500 g plain flour
  • 10 g active dry yeast
  • 10 g salt
  • 330ml warm water
  • tea spoon of honey
  • dash of olive oil


How to do it?

Dissolve the yeast with a little bit of honey into the warm water, leave for 5 in a warm place. When you see the bubbles in the cup that means the yeast is already active and ready for action. Stir into the flour and start mixing with a spoon. Shape the dough and knead it for 10 minutes until you get a nice non sticky ball (oil your hands for smoother kneading) . Leave the dough at a large slightly oiled bowl to double its size. (The fastest way to do that would be if you warm up the oven for a 5 minutes and then leave the bowl inside for 1 hour, You can also refrigerate it overnight which will bring out more flavour.)

Once proven the dough is ready and you can play with your imagination. Assuming you are making bread for a first time just roll and stretch some all time favourite flatbreads  and you will be amazed how easy and tasty bread making is!

Try it this weekend!




Posted in Recipes